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john maxwell

was at Villa Maria 1956 -59. Would be interested in any catch-ups etc.

18.11.2020 14:16


Hey, John Maxwell. I was in Europe when you wrote to David last year. If you're still in touch I hope you can make it to Hornsby on Wednesday 3rd December this year.

26.06.2019 20:11

David Collins

Several of us meet up every first Wednesday of the month at Hornsby RSL for lunch at 12 noon...david Crass, Kevin Leary both from 59

26.06.2019 20:09

David Collins

Hi John great to hear from you...send your details such as address phone.mobile and email to dc_cfm@bigpond.net.au Warm regards David Collins Class of 59.....I remember you well John

Reply 16.10.2018 09:48


just heard about this and unfortunately I am unable to attend as there is a family wedding on that day. I was at Villa from 1946 to 1952 and have many fond memories of the experience.Robin Gair

16.10.2018 15:22

David Collins

On our database we have a Peter Gair class of 1961 is he related?

16.10.2018 12:59

David Collins

Hi Robin...thanks for letting us know....if you provide me with you email address we can keep you uptodate on what is happening...I will then email you requesting additional contact details David

 20.01.2018 22:39

Peter Moore

my email is petermoore@grapevine.net.au my mobile is 0419 767 179 happy to hear of any events


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