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Celebrating 150 Years

Randall Jones (1959) and Peter Neil (1960)

Paul Murphy and David Crass Class of 1959

David Collins (1959) Lew Whitbourn (1962) Tony Butler (Brother Placidus first taught at Villa Maria1963?)

Ed Foster (1960) Stephen Kavanagh (1959) Brian Halpin (1959)

Kevin Leary (1959) David Collins (1959)

Ralph Greco...Joe Palise...Louis Sammut

Alan Cullen...Rod Sorenson...Bill Pinkstone

Ric Hyde...Mark Jones

Bob Hyde...Br Paul Murphy

Kevin Brady...

Lew Whitbourn...Peter Neil

Michael Christian...David Crass

Tom Howison (Tiddler)

Paul Murphy...Peter Macintosh

Wayne Lebon...Dom Galati...Ron Grifffiths










This year we celebrated 150 years since the inception of Villa Maria School and 60 years since the Class of 1958 completed their Intermediate Certificate.

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